Monday, March 31, 2014

Ramona Mathany: What Is God Saying About YOU Today?

Ramona Mathany: What Is God Saying About YOU Today?
by Ramona Mathany
March 30, 2014
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I LOVE this article by Ramona. My wife and I sat at the table with Ramona recently, and she shared how she has begun to agree with Heaven for prayer.
She said she prays, "Jesus, what is Heaven praying for me today, so I can join in and agree?"
I was so taken aback by her story, I pleaded with her to write this up so our readers could begin to pray the way that I've now begun to pray. What a simple yet profound concept – AGREE WITH HEAVEN EACH DAY!
Enjoy this. But then, why not try it out! Give it a "road test".
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Ramona Mathany: What Is God Saying About YOU Today?
"What Is Heaven Praying for Me Today?"
In 2013, I had an incredible increase in my relationship with the Lord, myself, and others around me. It began with a new prayer life. Every day, and sometimes multiple times a day, I look to Jesus and ask, "Jesus, what is Heaven praying for me today, so I can join in and agree?"
A prayer of agreement is so powerful and needed, but we forget to agree with what God is saying about ME today. After I ask, I sit in silence, fix my eyes on Jesus, and await an answer. Sometimes it comes as His presence of comfort, other days, words...
When I hear from Heaven, I agree. I put my full agreement with Jesus. As my friend Baxter Kruger would say, "I take sides with Jesus."
I am willing to agree with what Jesus says about me rather than what the world, the devil, or myself wants to say. As I begin to agree with Heaven for myself, I see myself as in HIM. And in Him I am free to be me – the way I was created to be: loved and to love. I am free to be me, the real me, you know, the one He created to be in relationship with, the beautiful one He says is capable of seeing the goodness of God, like Moses, in the cleft of the rock.
The glory of God is the goodness of God. God is light, and in Him there is no darkness. And prayer is just a conversation between two people. When I hear Jesus talking to His Father about me, it changes me. It moves me to agree and join in the conversation. When I first started this practice of agreement, I thought I needed to do lots of spiritual disciplines to get ready to hear.
Let Yourself Be Loved
However, over the past year, I have come to understand that there is no separation from Jesus and me. So now I just experience His relationship with His Father in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and I am smack dab in the middle of it.
No pre-qualifications required; it's just about recognizing I am in HIM. Siding with Heaven has changed everything for me in the past year. In turn, it becomes so easy to side with Heaven about others as well. Let yourself be loved.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are excited for you to see yourself and others through His eyes. He has a desire to see you agree with the truth about you and others. In my experience, once I have agreed with Heaven, I have felt more comfortable in my own self than ever before. Jesus, what is Heaven praying for me to day, so I can join in?
Receiving love is imperative to being loved. Matthew 22:39 says to love your neighbor as yourself. All this is part of the love relationship that Jesus has invited us into: His relationship with His Father, in the Spirit.
Enjoy your prayer life in 2014. May The Lord show you how incredible and loved you are. Now that is something I can agree with.
Ramona Mathany
American Admin, Inc. / All PEO, Inc. / All Star Labor and Staffing
Website: / /
Ramona Mathany was born in the Bahamas, and at the age of five, she moved to Oregon. She met the living God, Jesus Christ, at a Billy Graham crusade in Portland in the early 1990s. Her radical encounter with Him changed every part of her life. Her testimony is one that not only moves hearts, but changes lives. She carries an anointing to release passion and the love of God to the hearts of all. Ramona's life and message will be sure to send out the call to pursue Jesus and know Him like never before.
For over seven years, Ramona has been cultivating relationships and releasing hope to the women of the Oregon State Women's prison. A queen from the inside out, Ramona offers love, identity, beauty, inner healing, and restoration to the women that most of the world would leave behind in the tragedy of their pasts. Ramona and her teams offer life, hope, forgiveness, freedom, and a fresh beginning by presenting the Gospel and the reality of the presence of God as they share truth, love, and acceptance with these beautiful women that are simply in need of a Savior. Currently, Ramona owns and manages a staffing business that provides local businesses with employees, especially those that need a second chance. Her passion for this business springs out of her prison ministry.
Ramona lives in Lake Oswego with her husband, Jim, and their four children. Her relationship with Jesus has led her to four foundational truths: We are saved by GRACE ALONE, through FAITH ALONE, in Christ ALONE, and all the GLORY TO GOD ALONE.
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With Much Love and Abundance,
Renee J Mack

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