Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dan and Linda Wilson: An Encounter in the Stillness

Dan and Linda Wilson: An Encounter in the Stillness
by Dan and Linda Wilson
April 5, 2014
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There's a lot to be said about "Being Still" and a lot that we can receive in those quiet times with the Lord. I like this short and practical word by Dan and Linda Wilson, as they share an encounter with the Lord they recently had while in Alaska.
Be encouraged by what they share here: Be still. Abba is wooing us, drawing His beloved into the quiet, secret place where we can renew our heart's knowledge of Him as God.
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Dan Wilson: An Encounter in the Stillness
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
Be still. Abba is wooing us, drawing His beloved into the quiet, secret place where we can renew our heart's knowledge of Him as God.
Recently we spent three days in the isolated far northern town of Kotzebue, Alaska. God took us there. This small, seaside city of 3000 people was completely frozen. Every house was built on stilts so that they would not melt the permafrost.
The ocean was frozen and vast, ice as far as the eye could see. In the distance were snow-covered mountains, shining before the expanse of blue sky. It was beautiful – stark beauty, yes, but so beautiful. The sea's surface was covered in miniature sculptures of snow and ice sparkling like diamonds. These works of art were fashioned by the finger of God.

An Encounter With He Is!
Walking alone on the frozen ocean, God came. The weight of His presence was intense, requiring that we stand still, immoveable for some time. Quiet. Powerful. Awesome in the truest sense of the word. (Photo via Dan Wilson, trip to Alaska)
In this magnificent encounter He reminded us simply that, "He is." He is strong. He is mighty. He is gentle. He is kind. He is lovely. He is aware. He is creative. He is wise. He is safe. He is not safe. He is immense. He is holy. He is. He is!
This passionate, beautiful God Almighty is calling the Bride, calling YOU, to the secret place with Him. He is longing to be alone with you. He wants to show Himself to you again. He desires to stir your heart. And, He will settle your heart.
Dare you meet with Him?
Perhaps a few days fast from the noise of the world is in order. Even an afternoon sitting alone in the beauty of nature will be attractive to Jesus. He will meet you there. He is calling you. Listen. The Spirit of the Lord is reminding us in this season to "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).
It is from this place of stillness that He will send you out to the world. It begins in a quiet place and ends with a glorious shout! He will indeed be exalted among the nations. He will be exalted in the earth!
Dr. Dan & Linda Wilson
Supernatural Marriage Ministries
Dr. Dan & Linda Wilson are the co-founders of Supernatural Marriage Ministries, and have dedicated their lives to drawing couples into the type of intimacy that is driven by the Holy Spirit. They have taken their message to numerous countries throughout the world in an effort to encourage the Kingdom and prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom's return. They have published three books since 2010 and were the executive producers of the popular worship album CHOSEN.
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With Much Love and Abundance,
Renee J Mack

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