Friday, April 11, 2014

Nellie Balandowich: A Great Resurgence - In the Generation of Those Born Before the 1960s!

Nellie Balandowich: A Great Resurgence - In the Generation of Those Born Before the 1960s!
by Nellie Balandowich
April 11, 2014
Intro from Patricia King:
Nellie Balandowich interned with me at XP Ministries, and she is rock solid. I love her prophetic flow, but I especially love her godly character and deep, unwaivering passion for Christ. As a revivalist and equipper, she is full of grace and truth and walks in the sweet fragrance of Christ's nature. I highly recommend her to the Body of Christ.
Patricia King
XP Ministries
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Nellie Balandowich: A Great Resurgence - In the Generation of Those Born Before the 1960s!
When I woke up on the morning April 6, 2014, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me, and I heard Him say the generation that was born before the 1960s is arising...many in that generation who have been asleep or lulled are now awakening to new dreams, visions, and invitations from the Spirit of God!
"This generation has been lulled into mediocrity, and I am breathing My ruach breath on them and bringing them back to life. When the world tells them they are to wind down, ha! I laugh, because I am sending a sound, a frequency, that is awakening them to dreams being born.
"I am awakening a knowledge and a persistence to forge forward and to think further than their natural mind has taken them. There is a knowing being released that with Me all things are possible! This generation is arising to understand and delight in the fear of the Lord and walk in the knowledge and counsel of My Spirit. There is a renewal coming to a generation that thought they were forgotten.
"I say rise up, oh sleeper. Rise up to a new day for you – a new fervency, a new direction. I will restore, and I will refresh, and I will anoint you to dream again; and to not only dream but to live out those dreams. I am the One who empowers you, and I will teach you the way to go and how to get there. It is not the time to give up. It is not the time to say it is over, for I tell you it is just beginning.

"Hear the sound of horse hooves. They are coming your way. There is a gathering of a generation that thought it was over, and I am calling you to RISE UP! I am unleashing a renewing of youth, and strength, and purpose, and intent for all who are willing to say, 'YES.'
"Your greatest hour is ahead, and together we are going to partner to bring forth My Bride. All parts of the Body are required. The world has said 'Retire, wind down'; others said, 'You've lived your life,' or, 'You cannot offer anything,' but I say 'NO!'
"You are to awaken to Kingdom purposes and protocol. I am birthing something new in you, and I will not allow a generation to fall asleep, for you were born for such a time as this! For such a time as this you will come forth and you will awaken, and the glory of the latter house will be much greater than the glory of the former house!
"Can you hear the sound? The awakening of a supernatural generation has begun," says the Spirit of God! "It is the sound of RESURGENCE, supernatural resurgence. It has been released! I am calling forth a generation to finish well!"
Nellie Balandowich
Nellie Balandowich is a prophetic itinerant minister. She was ordained and served for four years as an Associate Pastor of a local church located outside Toronto, Ontario. Nellie also has had the opportunity to teach on "Prophetic Realms," "The Seer Realm," and "Dreams & Visions & Interpretation" at a local Bible School, tent meetings, and other conferences throughout the Toronto Region.
As a gifted speaker, Nellie carries a strong anointing to operate in the realm of the supernatural. Nellie has a strong desire and mandate from the Lord to speak a now word to the Church in this hour, being called to build, encourage, and equip the Body of Christ. You can reach Nellie at to book her for a speaking engagement.
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With Much Love and Abundance,
Renee J Mack

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