Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cindy McGill: A Company Without Compromise

Cindy McGill: A Company Without Compromise
by Cindy McGill
Feb 27, 2014
What's Goin' On?
If you are like me, you may feel like this is a very unpredictable time. God seems to be giving us direction one step at a time. The long range vision for most of us is veiled, and we seem to be in a holding pattern for the fulfillment of some things to come. But we can see that God is building our trust level in His faithfulness to perform His plan for us. Holding on to faith, we believe that this is the year of favor, appointment, change, and open doors. We can sense our lives are being divinely arranged, and we are being strategically placed for the greatest display of the presence of God yet.
It also seems to be a time of healing and restoration. Many have experienced discouragement, disappointment, and betrayal, but the Lord is blowing the whistle and calling for His people to come forth into their purpose. There is a charge to "line up" and become a force in the field. This is a day of deliverance and appointment. God's plan and purpose didn't end because of hurt or disillusionment.
There is much exposure coming that will uncover deceitful plans and agendas. People in leadership who have operated in envy and pride will find themselves replaced by leaders who will have the heart of the Father and can lead like a shepherd.
Unknown leaders who have been faithful in doing the right thing and have God's heart will be catapulted to the top. Places of refuge are forming, creating a safe place for people to heal, get restored, and join the reformation. These places offer an oasis of rest and refreshing where perspective and vision can be revived. These communities will breathe life and create a new starting place for the days ahead. Injustices have qualified people for a greater authority in the areas which the challenges have occurred. We will stop living in the past and start embracing the future that is filled with promises and promotion.
Identity Protection
Will the real "you" please come forward? Everybody is looking for true identity. There is nothing more liberating than being yourself. It's never wise to copy anyone else or imitate someone else's ministry. God hasn't called you to be them. We are getting free from other peoples' opinions. He is your Source, and there is a true identity that is being branded on your heart.
When we know who He is, we will know who we are. Living in true authenticity will not only liberate you but will liberate others. Becoming unshackled from the opinions of others will cause you to fly in freedom like no other. Nobody else is you, and it's most important to live true to yourself. The purest expression of God flows through the most authentic YOU. We are natural, and He is Super.
Did You See the Rabbit?
I heard an analogy once about a dog on a porch that started chasing a rabbit. As the dog passed other houses, other dogs started chasing the dog but never saw the rabbit for themselves. Pretty soon there was a line of dogs just chasing one another. God is specific about the call He has given you. Make sure you are chasing God and not each other.
Fathers And Mothers Are Arising
Even with the passing of one of our spiritual fathers, Bob Jones, this year, God is raising up a multitude of spiritual fathers who will have wisdom and experience to instruct this next generation. They have been through the battles and have a true heart and character to instruct emerging leaders who have ears to hear and hearts to receive council. I saw people with HUGE ears who are ready to listen and gain instruction. Listening is a big part of obtaining the victory. These emerging leaders are the wise ones who will heed instruction, honor the spiritual fathers who have gone before them, and develop character that will be unshaken when tested.
These spiritual parents will tell it like it is, and they have stood the test of time and faithfully come through the storms of life. As they lead by example, there is much wisdom and instruction being offered to the sons and daughters who will have the heart to listen and learn. A synergy will form that will cause this world to pay attention, and the outcome will be like dynamite to the kingdom of darkness.
There's Treasure Out There
I saw large groups of people gathering with miners' hats with headlights on them. It was really dark outside and everyone was getting ready to enter a deep cave where people were trapped. The lights were extremely bright; everyone started to enter the cave as the angel of the Lord went before them.
There are people in dark places in need of search and rescue. God will bless all of our efforts as we move forward and cause the path to be made straight. Working with the angelic help will cause us to have unprecedented favor and authority in the places we are sent. When those trapped in deep darkness saw the light, they were drawn to it, and in coming out of darkness, became a mighty force in rescuing others.
Isaiah 45:1-3 Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held – to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: "I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel."
A Company Without Compromise
I have a friend who was given a huge building. He wasn't even looking for a building and did not have any desire to build a church, but the Lord spoke to him and said, "You are not building a church, you are building an army to step into a movement." This company will not compromise in courage, faith, nor action, and as a result, will host the greatest outpouring of God's Spirit this world has ever seen.
There are many, many people in their quest for truth. This is a Kingdom effort, and many different streams will come together to advance this Kingdom. When we follow the "Spirit of Truth," who is Jesus Himself, God's company, without compromise, will move with His direction and power. This anointing will dethrone wicked kings and open double doors and gates that no man can shut. Moving in this strategy, the access to release prisoners from all kinds of prisons will be evident. God has His eye on His treasure, the ones He loves who are held as prisoners and slaves by demonic forces.
The anointing of Isaiah 61 will be the directive, to set at liberty those who are held captive and bound. Deliverance from wicked plans and schemes of the devil are overcome this year. God is showing up in the most unusual ways and displaying His power through those who are willing to take the chance to advance dark places with His light. The wages of sin have taken their toll on some, and the "fun for a season" is over. Now, the overwhelming desire to leave destructive paths is evident.
Chill Out...God's Driving
There is a certain assurance when we know the One who called us is in control. Let the peace of God take over and give you the assurance that He is leading you where you are meant to go. The last thing you want to do is to take over the steering wheel and get yourself into a situation because you were anxious and perceived nothing was happening.
Keep your mind and heart on the One who knows your future, and seek to fit into His plan. He is the door opener and closer. There is a timing and fit to the plan. Things are being prepared for you, and you will not only fit in the place you are meant to be, but you will fit "with" the people you are meant to connect with. Provision is already factored into this assignment.
These are new days, new assignments, new alignments, and new instruction. The best thing we can ever do is not lean to our own understanding but let God unfold the "way" for us to travel right now.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries
Cindy McGill is founder of "Hope for the Harvest Ministries" and currently co-pastors a Foursquare church in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband Tim. They have been involved in pastoring, evangelism, and church planting since 1975. Cindy recently authored a book called "What Your Dreams Are Telling You: Unlocking Solutions While You Sleep." She has taught at various Bible schools and been on numerous TV talk shows and radio programs and travels nationally and internationally, helping churches raise up evangelism teams, teaching on godly character, ministering in prophecy, dream interpretation, and word of knowledge. Her passion is leading teams of ordinary people who love Jesus into the streets, hospitals, pubs, new-age arenas, and anywhere the Lord directs. She has hosted and led nation-wide outreach at events such as the Olympics, Sundance Film Festival, Burning Man Festival; and in such places as Las Vegas; Maui, Hawaii; Ireland; England; and Scotland. Using dream interpretation and prophetic evangelism, the door has been opened to share the Gospel to multitudes of people who might not otherwise have heard the message.
Cindy McGill's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
March 7-9, 2014
E-58 with Shawn Bolz
Glendale, CA
March 11, 2014
Garden School of Kingdom ministry (closed meeting)
Bakersfield, CA
April 11-13, 2014
Outreach to "Coachella"
Palm Springs, CA

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Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250
With Much Love and Abundance,
Renee J Mack
Spiritual Nourishment

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