Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kathie Walters: 2014: "A Peppermint Year"

Kathie Walters: 2014: "A Peppermint Year"
by Kathie Walters
February 18, 2014
My good friend, Pastor Paula Douglas, from Hemingway, South Carolina, received this word regarding 2014: "A Sweet Peppermint Year." I believe there is more than one word for a situation, or a time, or season. And, when I read this, I actually smelled peppermint. Isn't it great when God speaks through signs, like the different aromas?
I did a booklet with Bob Jones (mostly Bob) called "Spiritual Meaning of Aromas, Flowers, Trees, and Colors," so I remembered what the peppermint meant: it means refreshing, and also cleansing, and sweet. But then, whatever Jesus does has sweetness, doesn't it?
What Does "Sweet Peppermint" Mean For the Weary Traveler?
You know, often as we go in the business of life and even ministry, you can kind of gather some dust from the journey. It was the custom in the Middle East, when a traveler arrived from a journey, the people would wash their feet. Jesus said to the disciples, "As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you." When Jesus washed their feet, I don't believe it was just an act of humility. He was acknowledging them as "messengers" or "sent ones," just like He was a "sent one" from the Father – a messenger of Good News.
For the weary travelers and messengers, when Jesus breathes on us the fresh breezes of the Spirit, it blows away the dust, and the sweetness of His presence refreshes us. That's why it's important to take a break and enjoy His fellowship.
We were iced-in recently in Macon, Georgia, where I live – we couldn't go anywhere, everyone was home. It was a great excuse to do nothing. Sometimes it's good to do nothing. That can be very hard for some of us...people begin to feel guilty if they are not working for God all the time. Let me just squeeze in here that God doesn't want us to run around working for Him. He wants us to yield to Him so that He can work through us. Much easier that way, and also much more effective.
Back to sweet's like a cool drink of water on a hot day. In Proverbs 25:25 it says, "Good news is refreshing, like water to a weary traveler." Our inheritance is the Spirit of Good News...when we dwell on His goodness it's refreshing, like water. Or sweet, like peppermint. Prophetic encouragers have a big place here as you can see: the Good News brings refreshing to the weary traveler.
Just Relax, and Think On That!
I was ministering in Houston a couple of years ago. In the church that day (Little White Church in Katy), I had stayed and prayed for people until about 5pm. The meeting had started at 10am, and it was HOT – the pretty little wooden church was really baking. Something had gone wrong with the air conditioner and it felt like it was 100 degrees inside.
When I got back to my hotel room, I felt a bit dusty and like a rag. I closed the door and just went and laid on the bed to cool off. I had prayed for a lot of deliverance for people too, so it was good to be on my own for a bit.
Suddenly, an angel, who is always with me, said to me, "Just relax." Well, I had no problem with that. Then he began to sing to me an old revival song, but he sang one line at a time, and asked me to think about it.
"'His love has no limits.' Think about that, Kathie. Your mind can't even imagine something limitless.
"'His grace has no measure.' Think about that too...there is no measure at all to even be able to measure Jesus' grace. There's nothing in the world to measure it with."
He went on singing one line at a time, and then telling me, "Think about that," which is what "selah" from the Psalms means ("think on this").
Then a light shone on me – like I was on a warm, sunny beach. After a while the light went to the ceiling, and it stayed there for about three hours. At one point I smelled strawberries (which means "friendship with God"), and then I remember the whole room being filled with an aroma like peppermint. I felt so light and refreshed.
Refreshment You Can Chew On
I love these Scriptures below, too; when you dwell on them (selah), then there is a refreshing that comes into your spirit, your mind, and your body.
Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me... Psalm 42:7-8
How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! Psalm 84:1
"How lovely is Your dwelling place" is so refreshing. When I think about it now, I can smell peppermint; I am praying you will too. Let me know if you do. Put your spiritual antenna up.
We Can All Be Refreshed, And We All Have a Ministry of Refreshing
I was once in a meeting and standing on a hard floor; you know, some of those carpets are actually on concrete – and, my, you can feel it after a while. It had been about six hours and my ankles and feet started aching, but I couldn't sit down yet as there were still people waiting to be prayed for. I sent a silent prayer for my feet and confessed that my feet are lovely because I bring Good News.
I smelled peppermint slightly and knew refreshing was on the way. The next minute it felt like cool waves washing over my feet, like how it feels in the early evening when you are standing in the water just at the edge of the ocean.
He is sweetness; His Word is like honey. I pray that your ministry – we all have a ministry – will be like the Bible says, "...Refreshing like spring rain on the freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth" (Psalm 72:6).
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
Kathie Walters' Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
March 7-9, 2014 (Fri 7pm, Sat/Sun 10am)
Living in the Glory
Harvest Time Ministries
1974 Wells Hwy, Seneca SC, 29678
March 14-16, 2014 (Fri 7pm, Sat/Sun 10am)
St. Patrick's Day Conference
Harvest Light Ministries
5912 –D Ogeechee Rd, Savannah, GA 31419
March 28-30, 2014
Soaring In the Heavenlies: Canadian Prophetic Seer Seminar
with Steve Shultz, Kathie Walters, Darren Canning, Mark Redner
The Oasis Church
3795 Diamondview Rd, Kinburn, Ontario, CANADA
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With Much Love and Abundance,
Renee J Mack

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