Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Personal Story

Some of my friends know my story. Now I want to share my story with you.

I Love Jesus - you probably have figures that out by now LOL!  Anyway, the Lord has given me a Vision He wants for me to do for His Kingdom work.

That vision is to feed children, help the impoverished and those with special needs.

I have always had a heart for those who are in need because I love to help people.

Now, as we all know, we need money to live.  We also need money to do God's work
So I have been doing Internet Marketing for about 3-4 years.  The first year I was overwhelmed with the information overload out there.  But, I kept listening and reading to see what it was all about.
Being as I am now 65 years young and retired, I needed to wait until I could collect my Social Security Check at 62.   Then I started to dive in and buy some products by internet marketers.  I won't bore you with everything I found out about making money on the internet. Suffice it to say, I was spending a lot of money and not making money.

Only now my breakthrough has occurred - I found an internet coach who is rated #1 and is honest, ethical, a good teacher and organized with his instructions.  To me is a miracle.

Then I found out about another company who has made it possible for me to start getting leads for my business.  In 12 days I have 7 leads.

To me this is a tremendous miracle as well.  Now I am establishing a foundation in my internet business.  A foundation that I have always known I needed to make all business endeavors sound and long lasting.
Not the make money fast and quick with no list kind of adventures.  Yes, I said "adventures".  I have learned a lot about these type of money making systems.

Incidentally, I was into Multi-Level Marketing back in the 1980s when I was in my 30s back in the day LOL!   Plus, I worked in the work force for 30 years in a variety of industries including law firms.

So, I my business skills are pretty sound because of those 30 years of experience.

Now, I am getting started with a company that is organized and knows how to help all marketers obtain leads for their primary business.

For me, this is a dream come true - and golden in all respects.

If you have a story and want to learn how to craft your story, join me tomorrow night,
Wednesday,  at 9:00 PM EST  - see the link below.


Much Love and Abundance,

Renee J Mack

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